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Knowing where you are going is crucial in making plans – whether planning an errand, a vacation, a date, your day. Even the most spontaneous of us have some sort of knowledge and expectations of what we want to find and achieve in these scenarios. Knowledge of where we are going becomes more crucial when the investment required to reach our goals increases. Which means knowing where your organization is going is essential, as it serves to guide, correct, inspire, and motivate those working hard for your success.

Our friends at A Brave New wrote a compelling post about how this knowledge protects your organization from making a poor investment of resources. The post speaks specifically to decisions regarding your organization’s website, and argues that “goals give you the information you need” to make the most effective decisions. Spend time answering the four questions posed in the article. They will help your organization set an effective course for navigating to success.

Claire Kennedy headshot
Claire Kennedy
Claire values context, creativity, and joy. She uses these skills to help causes invest in the good of others.