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Asking artificial intelligence to foster human connections feels suspicious. But AI isn’t here to replace our humanity—it’s here to amplify it. AI analyzes and identifies connections between data points, so you can foster connections between humans.

openbox9 recommends a few starting points for your nonprofit to benefit from AI. Start by leveraging AI in one area of your work, then, like all skill sets, with practice, expand from there.

Targeted Communication

Your email list is filled with different types of donors – event-givers, lapsed donors, those changing their recurring giving amount, etc. AI can analyze your lists and create segments based on past giving behavior, tailoring your ability to send the right message to the right person at the right time. Increase engagement with your email communication by using AI segmentation tools from Mailchimp and Klaviyo.

Effective Asks

Donors give because they are asked. An effective ask connects with a particular person’s motivations. Increase donor conversion rates by personalizing suggested donation amounts in your next fundraising appeal or the donation form on your website. Online giving tools like Classy and Keela use AI to generate suggested giving amounts that resonate with your donors’ distinct preferences.

Efficient Volunteer Recruitment

Finding volunteers with the skills to add value to your work involves tedious match-making. Use Generative AI, like ChatGPT or Gemini, to instantly identify volunteers with skill-sets that align with your task list. Tools like Golden and Point have additional AI-powered features to suggest tasks to past volunteers based on their interests and introduce your organization to eager volunteers in your community.

Reduced Admin Load

Not sure what to do next in a relationship with a supporter? Use AI to spark ideas to deepen connections with constituents. Tools like Momentum or Raise suggest action items and integrate with your CRM to automatically update records, keeping data tidy while reducing your workload.

Amplified Knowledge

Does your organization work in environmental sustainability or disaster response? Microsoft’s AI for Earth analyzes global environmental data, and AI for Humanitarian Action supports disaster response and refugee assistance, lending a larger brain as you pursue your mission.

Just like eating a 10lb bucket of crabs, learning something new is done one bite at a time. openbox9 is here to help your nonprofit digest new technologies and use them to fuel your work.

Disclaimer: No robots were harmed in the making of this blog post. In fact, Claude was relied on to help craft the closing lines.

Claire Kennedy headshot
Claire Kennedy
Claire values context, creativity, and joy. She uses these skills to help causes invest in the good of others.