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A rainbow knitted head with a clock on it's forehead

How do Creatives Find Inspiration?

As a team working on a myriad of design disciplines, we face daily challenges such as: How can we continually design high-quality solutions our clients need? How can we reduce …

Virginia Humanities

Sharing stories of all Virginians

Snow White had her seven dwarves. Each one with their own personality lended its strengths to the others in order to accomplish a task. Our work with Virginia Humanities provided …

Postcard with handlettering - saying goodbye

Reflections on my 100 day project

Last week marked the finish of my 100 day project. While it may be cliché, I have mixed feelings about it; I’m glad I did it, and glad it’s over. …

Cursor icon on top of an actual hand

Going steady with the world wide web

Learning web design on the job – Hannah explains

By Vegan Strawberry Pop Tarts

The Privilege of Collaboration

*Post updated to reflect the impact after 6 months. We love the excitement and stories our clients bring us. It fuels our creativity and problem-solving. Client meetings are typically filled …

Don’t overcomplicate it: redesigning forms

Form design can be like a maze. Don’t overcomplicate it for your user.

Aliens Wrote This

Writing copy for your website can be a daunting task! Whether you’re a writer by trade or simply tasked with coming up with copy for your company’s website, the web …

neon squiggles

Who Killed My Creative Buzz?

The Creative Process What better expression of rebellion than to sit and wait for creativity to strike and subsequently, what better expression of robotic jive than to methodically labor through …

Lessons from Leo (and co.)

After years of taking “exotic” art history courses such as “Arts of China and Japan” and “Egyptian Art and Architecture” (where I had to learn the differences between pharaohs Snafu …

5 Reasons Spec Design Work is Not Considered

For some the term spec work is foreign slang that may lead to guessing its about sweaty people exercising their spec muscles. Actually it is designers exercising their sweaty mouse …

AICGS logo transforming from sketch to digital concept

The result of a German-American love affair

What do you get when you mix a little American ingenuity with German engineering? No, not a VW, but something just as cute. A new logo? Perhaps. Here at openbox9 …

Ya Mama logo

Logo creation process for Ya Mama

This is the company name of a foundation in Oman that works to enhance the physical, economic and social well-being of women and their families. I had the privilege of …

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