While we live in uncertain times, we have a wealth of wisdom from those in the health profession and they are saying, with clarity, distance yourself from others and stay vigilant with cleanliness.
- Wash both hands
- Wear masks properly to protect others
- Take deep breaths of fresh air
and much much more.
For openbox9, we are working remotely and will get through our obligations like giants. We are praying for hope to be our master and not fear. What better job to be distracted from COVID19 than one that allows us to work on other pressing world issues such as improving food security; ocean conservancy; promotion of the arts; and improving social equity to name a few. We are thankful for our client’s work and the opportunity to put our shoulder to the plow for them and with them.
We know many of you find yourselves reading this from a new work environment. Below are a few ways we are fighting for focus and camaraderie that we hope are helpful to you:
- Build in scheduled breaks for all the distractions that are happening around you so the whole day is not one long distraction. Pet a dog, create a deskercise routine, call your mom, step away from a screen, do the laundry, make a meal for a neighbor.
- Recreate office culture in your new virtual office. For ob9 that means sharing ideas, puns, inventions, netflix winners, recipes, existential life questions, pictures of furry friends, tips for managing your new under-4-year-old co-worker, listening together to a shared playlist.
- Set a timer to focus on one specific project. Turn off email/chat/text notifications and don’t deviate from the project until the timer stops. Instead of jumping from task to task, create blocks of time to consider the bigger picture and all the aspects and implications of a project.
Communication is more crucial then ever. If you find yourself in need, openbox9 is here and ready to help.
We are going to pound this challenge and steal it’s lunch — pluck its eyebrows and spell out “ain’t no thing but a chicken wing” with it’s hairs.