One snip I know very little about is hair. It grows. Falls out. Can be different colors. That’s the length of my awareness. If you ask me “why” those things happen I would redirect you to your local mayor to get some answers. Or save that tax-payer money and agree with me it’s just Kris Kringle doing another of his off-season chores.
Or maybe, leading a design studio is much like shearing hair or styling beautiful do’s for strong winds while growing strength with the right shampoo and diet. Reflecting on the last 25 years of openbox9, I can now see, we serve up fades like a scissor slinger.

How? We take seriously that a client puts a lot of trust in us to listen to who they are and who they want to be, detangle knots, and lather creativity creating one stunning solution. In our case maybe a new logo design or an interactive database.
See… It’s about enjoying the process. It’s a comfy swivel chair that lifts you high until you forget someone’s waving sharp scissors around your head. At first, you have no idea what is happening, just clumps of hair drop to the floor. Then you’re strutting confidently out into the world.

Your brand needs to communicate swag while being functional. Functional? Yea, because your organization is no indoor hermit — your brand is doing stuff, made for heroic work! The style needs to hold, without the haze of hairspray.
One of the first mantras I wrote on day one is “know thy client”. For those of you with a regular salonist or barber, you know how they just “get you”. That’s what I enjoy the most: getting to know people.
Look at that, it seems I know a lot about hair.

I sit here in glowing gratitude for the many team members, friends, and clients who have made the last 25 years beyond wonderful… and the best part was journeying the journey with my amazing co-owner and wife.