How to Choose a Web Host: Part 2
Everyone has their favorite amenities when they travel. Free parking. Fitness equipment. Pet-friendly. (My favorite hotel offered a fish. You picked up your fish, in its bowl, at check in.) In …

How to Choose a Web Host: Part 1
According to realtors, finding a place to live starts with “location, location, location”. But your website lives on the internet – one big world-wide neighborhood. How picky do you actually …

Jargon Often Heard When Talking to a Developer
Decoding a coder

Comparing Inkling vs. Pressbooks
The battle for the better online publishing tool

Background Videos, More Background Videos
Tips and guidelines for using looping background videos

2016 Website Trends, the Newness
What new(ish) things you’ll hear about this year

7 tips for customizing your WordPress admin
Here at openbox9, we work with several different content management systems to build innovative and relevant websites. One of those is WordPress. If your website runs on WordPress, here are …

A guide to using shortcodes
Shortcode is your next shortcut A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would …

Six Things You Didn’t Know Word Could Do :: Design and Microsoft Word, Part 1
Using the humble Microsoft Word for in-house materials

The Stanford Report: From print to pdfs and beyond
Stanford. The name conjured images of ivy league institutions, with distinguished alumni, yet I knew next to nothing of the reality of the school. That was about to change. When …

Demystifying image quality
[intro]“How do I know if my images are large enough to print?”, “What is DPI?”, “Can’t you use the hipster baby photo on my tumblr feed for the poster?”[/intro] These …

Protect Your Web Treasure
Keep your website secure and safe from attacks.