Terra Tails
Environmentally conscience and friend pet supplies. Work included visual identity and logo along with product packaging

Stanford University
The Department of Sustainability came to openbox9 to design and layout their 100 page annual report on paper. Over the years, we have provided strategy and ideas to move report online and we continue to find ways to reduce the website's carbon footprint. Services also include: Interactive & UX Design, Infographic, Data Visualization, Video and Animation
SeaGrass Grow
Wonderful and innovative solution to replenish carbon capturing seagrass - provide people with a carbon calculator to offset their carbon through a donation. openbox9 provided: Calculator Application Development, Database Architecture & Development, UX Design.
Resilient Energi
Innovative company using biomass to provide renewable energy at an affordable price. openbox9 provided marketing and communication strategy along with speedy web development.
Private Equity Stakeholder Project
Activism website targeting equity funds that promise they are divesting from fossil fuel but are just hiding their investments. A quick microsite that accompanied press about their findings.
Pro Natura
In partnership with the IFC/World Bank, openbox9 joined in an emergency effort to support businesses in Tanzania which protect wildlife in the region. The campaign branding, fundraising decks, and website were all part of the effort.
Pew Research Center
In collaboration with major corporations, openbox9 developed the identity for a carbon capture project that include the ui/ux design for their carbon calculator.
Palau Carbon Calculator
Part of the nation's effort to protect their island's ecosystem, openbox9 consulted with their tourism council to create an online tool for travelers to offset carbon footprint and donate to the conservation efforts.
NWF Nature-based Funding Database
Where does one go to find information on funding their clean river initiative? Thanks to the hard work of research by NWF and our site, this database is rich with info. The funding is there, let's get to work!
The Ocean Foundation
Conservation efforts for our oceans requires a great deal of passion and the Ocean Foundation delivers. Over the years we have collaborated on many interactive campaigns, climate change solutions, social media advocacy campaigns and the redesign of their mainsite. The highlight was working with the nation of Palau on their initiative to offset carbon of vacationers visiting their beautiful island.
NWF – Sustainable Furniture Scorecard
The furniture industry is by-far filled with unsustainable practices. This report card website promotes changes companies are making and could change. openbox9 provided strategy and a website design.
NWF – Ranger Rick Geocache Trails
Complete campaign branding for this great coast-to-coast effort to get families outside and appreciate nature together. openbox9 completed package designs, logo, and promotion materials to help seekers find Ranger Rick in the wild.