SEOh no!
Do we really need to spill more ink – or wear out more keyboards – on the topic of SEO? Surely not, but there is need to make sense of …
Protect Your Web Treasure
Keep your website secure and safe from attacks.
Killing the facebook Logo Softly
Reducing the noise of social media icons on websites is a trend (finally). With little scientific measurements, I suggest most people tap their flip-flop strapped feet to rhythmic beats; so …
3 Ways to Love Online Donors
Online giving grew by 11% in 2012*. Which means the ROI in online fundraising tools, many of which are free, is pretty dang good. But we all know a one-time …
Don’t Scare the Donors
Your job is to change their minds and turn them into champions
How to design your life
I recently stumbled across the article how to design your life. But the problem was it didn’t say much. I was hoping for some practical tips and hints, but instead it …
openbox9 goes to the White House
Photo journal of a historic visit
Job: Web/Interactive Designer
Join a team that pours creativity into the gooey center of our work. We need your problem solving skills and your quirky novelty that inches towards being considered a disorder. …
Who Killed My Creative Buzz?
The Creative Process What better expression of rebellion than to sit and wait for creativity to strike and subsequently, what better expression of robotic jive than to methodically labor through …
5 Pages I (really) Read Today
Books are great but can a book smash you through 5 subjects in 15 minutes? Below are not my favorite reads, nor do I recommend reading them, but they are …
Code like it’s 1995
You may be new to HTML, or you may have been born with a computer in your tiny hands; either way I’ve collected some tips and best practices for coding HTML emails.
Lessons from Leo (and co.)
After years of taking “exotic” art history courses such as “Arts of China and Japan” and “Egyptian Art and Architecture” (where I had to learn the differences between pharaohs Snafu …